BestForCycling News
Lose Weight And Get Fit With Indoor Cycling
Posted by tan xiao yan on
Obesity is one of the biggest health problems facing us today. While the statistics show that obesity has plateaued in recent years, it's still estimated that one out of every three adults are obese. Fortunately, there are plenty of exercises available for those who are obese or overweight to shed pounds and get in better shape. One such exercise is indoor cycling, and it's really one of the best ways to lose weight. Health experts speak highly of it because not only will it burn fat, but will also improve leg strength, the cardiovascular system, and is a low impact...
Lose Weight And Get Fit With Cycling
Posted by tan xiao yan on
Those who are interested in losing weight have a number of exercises to choose from. The best way to chose which exercises to do is to consider your abilities and preferences. One person may find that an exercise is great for them, and another may feel completely different.Many people who are looking to lose weight choose cycling to shed pounds. Cycling has a lot of advantages, and one is being able to get outside and enjoy nice weather and scenery. More importantly however, cycling is excellent for the body as it builds strength in the legs and increases your heart...
The Truth About Winter Cycling
Posted by tan xiao yan on
Some people may wonder why they should invest their money and time into cycling when they can only do it a few months out of the year. Unknown to them, winter cycling is actually very popular. While cycling during this time may be more challenging, it can still be just as fun if not more so. Enjoying winter cycling is just a matter of knowing some of the basics. The following are some of the common misunderstandings about winter cycling.The biggest concern that many would have is keeping warm, but this really isn't the least of your worries. The reason...
The Gear Needed for Cycling
Posted by tan xiao yan on
Cycling is favored by many over other exercises such as running because it's a lower impact activity, builds leg strength, and increases stamina. With the right training program in place, cycling can be done all year long, even if you live in a cold weather climate. When the temperatures drop, you can cycle indoors either at a gym or in the comfort of your own home. Racing, mountain biking, touring, and road biking are the different forms of cycling. The gear required varies depending on the type you participate in.Types of GearFor those who participate in cycling races, the objective...
Cycling Gear Checklist: Things to Buy
Posted by tan xiao yan on
Back in the day, people would get on their bike and begin riding without any cycling gear at all. As time has passed, cycling gear has become more common among those who participate in the activity. If you are currently cycling or are interested in starting but you aren't sure what type of gear to purchase, here are some examples.Cycling JacketsIf you want to cycle outdoors in rain or colder weather, then you would benefit from having a jacket. Cycling jackets are lightweight, breathable, and water resistant. They are designed for performance, as they allow users to still have the...