How to Make More Time to Ride Your Bike

Posted by tan xiao yan on

For most people, riding is a hobby and like most hobbies you need to fit it around your daily responsibilities. This can be tough with work, family and the daily grind eating up your time. If you love to ride you bike but have problems coming up with time try some of these tips to get in some more saddle time.


By using your bike to commute you can get in a lot of miles without radically changing your daily schedule. If you have a long commute, drive part of the way and bike the rest. This lets bike commuting be practical and save mileage on your car.

Do your errands by bike

When you are doing errands like grocery shopping and that trip to the video store, you can do it by bike. It may not be as much fun as getting out for a long road or mountain bike ride but you are still getting ride time you wouldn't normally. I you want a good strength workout start doing the family grocery shopping with a cargo trailer. Pulling the trailer will put a lot of load and the legs helping your build torque.

Get a Lightset

The sun going down is often what limits our ride time. Get your self a high output lighting system and there is no time you can't ride. Aside from increasing the time you have to ride, night riding is a lot of fun. After dark you can ride both road and offroad with good safety. If you are riding on road make sure you also get a red rear flashing light so you are visible from the rear.

Ride to family occasions

I use this one to get in some good rides. We'll drive to the inlaws with my bike on the rack. After a nice family day I'll suit up and ride home. In my case this works out to be 115-160 km depending on the route taken so it's a great way to get a long ride on a day that would usually be a write off riding wise.

Go for a lunch time spin

Depending on where you work, you may be able to keep your bike in the office for week day rides during your lunch. A quick spin with some intervals followed by a shower sets up the rest of your day to be productive and energetic.